Frequently Asked Questions

  • Professional Organizing is a relatively new profession, so this is a really common question! Most of the time organization is confused with minimalism or cleaning, but being organized means everything you own deserves to be in your life and has a designated place in your home. It's okay to own things, but owning things shouldn’t mean every night and weekend is spent cleaning and tidying your home in order to keep up with all of it. Becoming organized reduces stress levels, improves mood and quality of life, inspires and motivates you, improves relationships, energizes you, and gives you more time. A Professional Organizer brings this peace into your life by taking the stress of getting there off of you.

  • First, get excited! Getting organized is truly something to look forward to. Once you reach out to us, we'll get back to you within 24 hours to talk about your goals and to schedule your complimentary consultation. We will go over all your organization wants and needs during your consultation, as well as discuss packages and product. When you’re ready to schedule your first session, we’ll send you an invoice to pay in full and get you on the calendar.

  • From the moment we arrive to the moment we leave, our job is to make your life easier. Since all the legwork for analyzing and planning the space has been completed before the session begins, we get straight to work. We have a process we generally follow to complete the space, from emptying to sorting, purging to organizing, and finally a plan for beautifying and maintaining the space forever. We will discuss further details regarding your specific space during your complimentary consultation.

  • You do not have to be home during organizing sessions. Our clients often enjoy returning to their expertly organized home having not been bothered by it at all. Although there are benefits to being present during sessions, we love a grand reveal moment and will happily accommodate your preferences.

  • The question is never if you can do it—of course you can!—but rather if we can make life easier by taking the stress off you. The benefit of enlisting a Professional Organizer’s help is that we have the knowledge, experience, education, and extensive research under our belts so we can reduce that overwhelming feeling for you and check off your to do list once and for all. The good news is you have options! We also offer remote sessions to help guide you and keep you accountable through organizing yourself.

  • We have our package pricing listed on our website here. We price our packages in sessions rather than hourly as we find a 3-4 hour block to be the perfect amount of time to be impactful, while not being so long that it’s tiring for our client.

  • We ask that nothing is cleaned or tidied for us prior to our initial consultation. Part of what we do is analyze why spaces become disorganized or how items end up in places they don’t belong. It’s easier for us to see this for ourselves so we can determine the best solution. This is a judgement-free experience, so no need to feel embarrassed. If we need anything cleaned, tidied, or moved before we begin organizing, we will outline prep-work in your plan-of-action after the consultation. Though, this is usually very minimal.

  • We will estimate how much we can complete in your space in a given amount of time during your complimentary consultation. The number of sessions will depend on how many spaces, the condition of the individual spaces, and the decluttering process. Typically, a 3 hour session with two organizers can complete up to 12 junk drawers, two medium size/condition spaces (bathrooms), or one large space (closet, pantry). Of course decision-making speed and the actual condition of the space, along contents of boxes/spaces will ultimately determine how much time is used.

  • It's not unusual to pay $20-$30 per container; but it's also possible to organize for minimal cost. It all depends on what is needed and the final desired look. The important thing is that items have the containers required to organize the space. We typically recommend budgeting high-quality containers you find attractive in order to reap the long-term benefits of aesthetically pleasing and functional organization. We will be happy to discuss product during your consultation, or schedule a Product Consultation.

  • We will suggest product that is best suited case by case, based on our client’s budget and preferences. Our client has the choice to purchase the product on their own, or have us take care of shopping and any returns (recommended). We charge retail plus a small fee to offset sourcing and inventory costs for our product. Most initial shopping time—as well as initial product suggestions—are included in our all-inclusive pricing.

  • Payment for the selected organizing package must be made in full prior to scheduling. We accept credit and debit cards, ACH transfers, checks, cash, as well as many app transfers and PayPal. We also offer Afterpay for a 3% fee: interest-free payments can be spread over 4 bi-weekly payments. or over 6-12 months with interest. Typically, product or additional services will be invoiced at the time of service and should be paid same day. Our service agreement will cover terms and conditions in detail for your specific package.

  • We offer price breaks for each level package. You can save up to 25% off by choosing our highest level package, and even more with our exclusive membership. We also have a referral program, and senior citizen and military discounts by request. Occasionally, we will run offers at special events, for our email subscribers, and holidays/occasions.

  • The only surprises we like are when our spouse arrives with coffee unexpectedly. We keep our pricing completely transparent and note everything in our service agreement and open communication. Specialty services such as Amazon returns, shredding service, meal planning, etc. will incur hourly rates. Transportation outside our service area; tolls, parking, and other travel expenses may be the client's responsibility. Organization product is priced at retail plus a small percentage to offset sourcing and inventory costs; while the shopping time is included in our all-inclusive services.

  • Please visit our Services page for everything you need to know about our packages and all-inclusive service.

  • As parents we totally understand how difficult it can be to find childcare, so we get if it's not possible to have this arranged. However, if it is possible, we highly recommend it. If we are working side-by-side with you, having your full attention during the session will give you all the more value.